Easy to configure greetings & menus

Press 1 for Account Management, Press 2 for Sales, Press 3 for Finance… Our simple self-service settings allow you to instantly configure your inbound call routings. Add a personalised branded greeting and then simply choose which user or team each option should ring through to. It’s literally as easy as 1, 2, 3!.


Redirect unanswered calls, or send to voicemail

Out of hours? Colleagues not available? Didn’t pick up in time? No problem – maintain customer service with smart VoIP redirects. Choose to redirect unanswered calls to other colleagues, teams or even external phone numbers, too.

Why VoIP for your charity?

VoIP is the next generation cloud-based phone system which runs in simple, powerful apps. It’s a modern, feature-packed replacement for your existing business phone system delivered in an easy to use self-service app. Simply add your users (from just £5 per month) and say goodbye to business mobiles, complexity, contracts and phone-related hassle.